WASPI Reach Interim CrowdJustice Target



Incredibly, through digging deep in very difficult times, WASPI’s supporters have helped us reach our initial crowdjustice target of £100,000 to get our judicial review case into court and well on its way. Thank you so much. Without your support, the case would have been impossible to bring.

For now we have extended the target to a stretch of £150,000 and our lawyers have reached out to the Ombudsman to discuss whether arrangements can be made to make the costs manageable and predictable all the way to the full hearing of the judicial review. We will report back on any agreement reached on what that means for future fundraising. If nothing can be agreed, we will ask the Court to make a ‘protective costs order’ that has the same effect.

We should be able to publish our legal arguments soon. To keep updated on the Judicial Review process please keep reading the updates on our crowdjustice page.