A new Private Members’ Bill is being introduced to help 1950 women affected by the State Pension Age increase.

Carolyn Harris the Labour MP for Swansea East is bringing in a new Private Members’ Bill to alleviate the hardship caused to 1950s born women who have seen their pension ages increased and was interviewed by Boni Sones, Executive Producer of www.parliamentaryradio.com.

Click here to listen to the interview on Soundcloud (opens in new tab)

Comment from WASPI: “WASPI have always acknowledged that support for women who are struggling as a result of the rapid and steep rise of their SPA, without adequate notice, is desirable. At the same time we are campaigning for ALL women born in the 50s, for non means tested transitional arrangements, with compensation for those who have reached SPA and lost out.

WASPI women have done what was asked of them, and are being unjustly treated, solely on the basis of when they were born. Women born in the 1950s have suffered significant loss, therefore all deserve recompense.

We note the APPG accepts the injustice meted out to 50s women, and that their aims go some way to redress this. However it is not enough, and we will continue to campaign strongly with politicians from all parties until a fair solution is found.”